Sound Cloud Sunday – March 28, 2021

Sound Cloud Sunday March 28, 2021 Welcome to the first full week of spring and music is springing out of every crevice of our world as we begin to see artists emerging out of their respective limbos and regaling us with more #laurelcanyonsound than we can take.  New stuff from Amy Helm (from Olabelle), Alison Russell (from Birds of Chicago) […]

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Sound Cloud Sunday – January 10, 2021

Sound Cloud Sunday January 10, 2021 Happy New Year, everyone, our first show of the year brings us a little bit of optimism about the year. ahead.  Perhaps we will go to a show.  Perhaps, while we adore everyone’s acoustic quarantine records, we are hoping for more fully realized studio albums recorded with the artists together.  And most of all, […]

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Sound Cloud Sunday – June 14, 2020

Sound Cloud Sunday June 14, 2020 Happy Sunday, y’all.  Hope everyone is getting used to the new normal.  I know I am, bringing you just an exceptional level of music each week that makes you wonder how deep is this damn well anyway?  We’ve got some returning champions, some rookies and a whole bunch of intriguing new music this week […]

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Sound Cloud Sunday, January 6, 2019 (Episode 35)

          Sound Cloud Sunday January 6, 2019   Happy New Year from Laurel Canyon Radio!  We remain committed to bringing the best in indie, unsigned and should-be-signed artists from around the globe for all of the New Year.  We are especially proud of our first episode of the year as it encompasses 14 artists from 6 different countries from the Netherlands […]

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Sound Cloud Sunday – May 20, 2018 Ep. 15

        Sound Cloud Sunday  May 20, 2018   Every week we feel like there is more under-discovered music amongst us!  Surely many of these artists have followings, pedigrees, associations with big name artist, producers, tour with well-known band, but at it’s heart, it’s indie music that dares to thumb its collective noses at the popification of every genre’s music charts and […]

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