Sound Cloud Sunday – April 1, 2018

Sound Cloud Sunday April 1, 2018
In a special Easter Sunday edition of “Sound Cloud Sunday” we’ve got exclusive access to the new album (their 5th) from Daisy House featuring Doug and Tatianna Hammond. Doug joins us in studio to talk about the songs from the new album, the direction that Daisy House is going, everything cool about 60s vocal groups and more. Their new album drops today (April 1 – not an Aprils Fools Joke!) and is available on Bandcamp…
Daisy House – Let’s Do It Again/Over The Hill/Open Your Eyes/Til The End of The World/Something Real/Bon Voyage/Like A Superman/Persephone/All Together
Check out the new album here:
Hometown: Long Beach, California
Album: Bon Voyage (self-released on April 1)
Review Snippet: The retro 1960s West Coast vibe returns with a vengeance in ‘L its arrangements lifting its homespun lyrical philosophy of doing your own thing because life’s too short for anything else. Some sweet harmonies peer, wide-eyed and maybe a little woozy, through the scent of patchouli; I can imagine this belting out of car stereos across the nation on a hot summer’s day.
Hometown: Nashville via Michigan
Album: “Turmoil And Tinfoil” (released last year on Apostol Recordings)
Review Snippet: The Nashville-based player and songwriter is known for his virtuosic guitar chops and explosive live performances, but, while this latest effort does boast chops and energy in spades, he’s also a talented lyricist, telling honest, often painful tales about addiction, incarceration, racism, and remaining positive in the face of negativity and, of course, turmoil.
Next Time in LA: Theatre At The Ace Hotel (March 30 – whoops that was Friday – catch him in Vegas in April.
Hometown: Los Angeles
Album: “Felony Blues” on 40 Below Records
Next Time in LA: April 8 at the Echoplex with Wanda Jackson!
Review Snippet: If you are looking for quality country music, then Jaime Wyatt is well worth your time. The music is inspired and crafted with integrity. The lyrics are personal and often clever. I would recommend her to fans of Margo Price, Whitney Rose, Holly Williams, and Nikki Lane. At only seven songs, I am hopeful of another album that is even more developed and ambitious in the future.
Hometown: Atlanta
Album: “A Picture Of Your Family” (available on Bandcamp)
Review Snippet: At the album’s peak moments, flashes of Southern rock piano and nods to such dad-folk-rock legends as Jackson Browne flavor the band’s homages to regional music.
Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC
Album: “Edges Run” (their fourth album – out April 6 on Antifragile Music
Review Snippet: It takes all kinds, as they say, and all kinds can find something to like in Mipso. They pull from bluegrass, country, pop, old-time, jazz, and other influences to concoct a sound that’s all their own, and getting stronger with every album.
Next Time in LA: April 24 at the Troubadour.