New Tracks on Laurel Canyon Radio – July 30, 2017

New Tracks On Laurel Canyon Radio Week of July 30
The dog days of August are coming into focus, but there no dogs in the new release stack this week:
- “My Only True Friend” – Gregg Allman
Although the song is somewhat subdued, the lead track off the posthumously released last Gregg Allman album “Southern Blood” is still a classic piece of, well, classic rock. Lead Allman Brother Gregg Allman was, undoubtedly, one of the greats. As legends do, Allman recorded an album to be released posthumously. Allman died from complications of liver cancer on May 27, and now that record has a release date, as well as a quintessentially Allman track for you to daydream to.
The album, titled Southern Blood, is an homage to Allman’s roots in Macon, Ga.; the 10-track record will be released on Sept. 8. NPR debuted the first track, “My Only True Friend,” today. On it, Allman sings, “I hope you’re haunted by the music of my soul when I’m gone,” a testament to his ability to connect with the world through art even in death.
With select purchases of his record, fans will receive copies of a painting of Allman by Vincent Castiglia, with Allman’s blood in the paint. A little creepy to be sure, but the process inspired the title of Allman’s album. Allman passed at the age of 69 earlier this year due to complications from liver cancer, but he lives on through his music.
- “Blonde Light of Morning” – Chris Robinson Brotherhood
As much as I appreciated the kick ass jamminess of the Black Crowes, the output of Chris Robinson (and Neal Casal’s) off-shoot project, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, has delivered more satisfyingly, trippy Laurel Canyonesque California music than the Crowes ever did. Their new album “ Barefoot In The Head” (just out), is another self-assured outing that comes into focus on repeated listening. Don’t leave before listening to the entire album!
- “Ride On” – The Loudermilks
Isn’t just about every other song ever heard in Laurel Canyon Radio has something to do with moving on and moving out? From the sophomore Loudermilks’ album “Monument” comes another great entry into the restless leg syndrome canon. Charlotte based, the harmonies are crisp and rag-taggy enough for everyone to enjoy, as do we!
- “Going Back To Bowenville” – Stu Larsen
Coming to The Echo in LA on August 8, don’t miss the beautiful new album “Resolute” from Stu Larsen. It’s often amazing how Australian artists have both a stunning reverence for their folk-pop forebearers while keeping the music fresh and new. This quiet hushed tune about growing up and moving on (see I told you that’s what all Laurel Canyon Radio songs are about) and then coming back is both a stately commentary on the comforts of home and the wanderlust we all experience at that age. Not really sure where Bowenville is, but Stu gives us the emotional understanding of where the place we want to get back to is with this track.
- “Gravity” – The Infamous Stringdusters
Just had the opportunity to catch this zesty quintet at the Ryman in Nashville as part of the summer Bluegrass series, and their jam-bandy attitude had many of the bluegrass blue-haired purists scratching their heads (and leaving). Mixing one part traditional bluegrass with two parts jam band spirit and a generous scoop of modern country/pop harmony and you get some energetic showmanship with music that transcends its often narrow but overlooked boundaries.