New Tracks on Laurel Canyon Radio – February 11, 2016

New Tracks on Laurel Canyon Radio – February 11, 2016
Our first new music review of the year! What took us so long you might ask? Well for one thing we were unsure about whether we were going to stay on the air with the new music royalty payment system going into place – we didn’t know if we could afford to. So far, we have only seen about a 100% increase in pricing over last year regarding artist compensation – so we’re gonna hang with ya hoping that new legislation will not threaten us further!
So let’s get to the new music!
- White River Junction – Ron Pope & The Nighthawks
Working with a full band on his 11th studio release Ron Pope scores big with this full sound, band backed dash across heartland country rock. This harmony fueled ode to cocaine snorting has an “Outlaws” appeal while much of the rest of the album rocks a bit harder. Great addition to our Laurel Canyon sound!
- “You Me And The Sea” – Green River Ordinance
Contemporary rockers Green River Ordinance from Fort Worth, Texas deliver a beautiful ballad from their new release “Fifteen” on Residence Music.
- “Build Me Up” – Chi McClean
San Francisco, California singer songwriter has found the right mix of 70’s electric/acoustic mojo on his 3rd studio album “Let Me In” with the help of a truckload of Nashville session players, “Build Me Up” is a tuneful track destined to be featured in at least one emotionally uplifting denouement at the end of a CW television series.
- “Bob Dylan’s 78th Hangover” – Harvest Thieves
What, if anything this song has to do with Bob Dylan is anbody’s guess, but Austin’s Cory Reinisch of Harvest Thieves puts it this way about this soaring rocker:
“It’s a song I wrote about being at a point in my life where I had some important decisions to make. I purposely took myself out of a place of comfort and complacency and tried to soak up every experience, every person, and ultimately every open bottle of wine I could find to help the process. I suppose it’s about discovering a balance through which to alternate between life’s extremes of success and failure.” — Cory Reinisch
- “Black Sky Lightning” – Quiles & Cloud
From their debut EP, San Francisco folk guardians Quiles and Cloud deliver a traditional twist on the traditional folk with some haunting melodies and what Fresh Grass calls “spidery guitar work”. We believe this EP “Black Like Rain” is only available for streaming on their website. Pretty, stuff!