New Music Laurel Canyon Radio – March 27

New Tracks On Laurel Canyon Radio Week of March 27, 2015
Spring is in the air! And these songs are now on the air:
- “Ghost Train” – North Country Gentlemen
We’ve been spinning several tracks from this Vancouver BC-based eponomyous release for several weeks (it came out last March), but we are scratching our heads as to why this band isn’t blowing up all over the place. Beautiful harmonizing, eerie folk-psych instrumentations, hooks for days, assured “deep south” singing. ….Please give them a listen, we love them.
- “No Trouble” – The Weepies
The Weepies are back!!! This lead track from their April 28 release “Sirens” find Steve and a cancer-free Deb back with this sturdy Fleetwood Mac vibed track.
- “Last Tango On 16th Street” – Boz Scaggs
We announced last week that the entire new Boz Scaggs album is being streamed live on Amazon until it’s release on March 31…so check it out. Boz’s ode to the San Francisco’s Mission District is a return to form for Boz, but which one? The old bluesman from the late sixties? The blue eyed soul with that earworm cocktail soul that dominated radio in the 70’s or the mature musician who’s taken on all forms of jazz and blues in his decade spanning career? How about all of them! This track is a great return from the 70 year old blues dude.
- “Constant Carry” – Vetiver
I am really late to the game on California based singer/songwriter Andy Cabic’s sixth release as Vetiver, but he has my attention now. This Laurel Canyon-y track throws down 1973 like nobody’s business (maybe there is a drum machine on the intro?). When I pull over to the side of PCH to watch the waves, this is what I want to be coming out of my speakers.
- “No You No Me No More” – The Staves
It’s not a Corrs reunion album – it’s better! Groovy harmonies and likely comparisons aside, The Staves (the sisters Stavely-Taylor) drop their second LP “If I Was” on Atlantic produced by Bon Iver (and you can tell on this track, with some of those mushy vocal drags). I don’t know if this will be the single, but we are loving this track, vocals mixed way up, please!