About Us

Welcome to LaurelCanyonRadio.com – Handcrafted Artisanal Harmonies From High in the Hills Of Los Angeles
“Laurel Canyon Radio” is a 24/7 free-form Internet radio station focused on celebrating the harmony –rich, singer-songwriter Southern California sound first made famous in the late 1960s and early 1970’s and the current crop of emerging musicians carrying that sound forward today. Focusing on both the past and present output of musicians from that seminal era and mixing in current artists, the majority of music aired will create a distinct and recognizable commingling of classic rock, folk, indie pop, Americana, blues, roots, country and other subgenres of the adult album alternative format. Our music is hand selected by a group of passionate music enthusiasts with an encyclopedic knowledge of popular music. The station will also place a heavy emphasis on independent and emerging musicians who mine different sounds within the genre and will keep tabs on artists performing upcoming dates in Los Angeles. Artists from then and now may also occasionally appear as guests, either performing, being interviewed or creating live on-air DJ segments.
Hey y’all…LC Radio is a lovely Sunday afternoon streaming discovery I made recently that this Sunday (3/29) is not loading.
@We’re back on line sorry for the inconvenience. Our Live DJ did not shut off on Saturday night and left us with a blank space. Until I came in to work this morning.
Really enjoy the sounds. History preserved. Keep it up! Cheers.
Thanks…tell your friends!
Oi eu sou o marbison do brazil ok. que legal ouvir essa rádio laurielcanyon muito bom gostei …………
Found your station while looking through the stations on Radio Station Guide ( a Windows thing I think). I listen while at work and enjoy your music selection much. “Keep on keepin on” as they say….
Listening from Indianapolis, IN.
Thanks so much! Tell a friend!
Your station fits me . . . it’s the music I’ve always loved and now I’ve found it again. A constant fabulous mix of old and new. I’m spreading the word!
(I listen to it at work on Windows Media Player)
Wow! Just discovered this gem. I’m “Shazam”ing every song I’m not familiar with. Each tune evokes an emotional response. I used to live on Walnut Dr in the Kirkwood bowl of Laurel Cyn. This station brings me home. Love Love love!!!
Is it possible to stream this on a phone?
Wait…got it! Streaming now on my phone. What a fantastic find your radio station is. I just watched the documentary “Inventing David Geffen” and was googling him for more info – and a photo popped up with your site as the tag. Color me extremely happy to have found a fantastic radio station to listen to in my art studio while I paint!
Thanks for listening! And tell your friends! Enjoy!
As of yesterday I can no longer get the mobile streaming app to load. Just keeps loading and loading. Is there some sort of troubleshooting I can do?
It’s the stream licensing mobile app…its squonky at best. But it usually works. Mostly if you don’t move around too much!
Just discovered your station through Shoutcast (and playing it through my tv’s soundbar via Roku as Shoutcast is one of its streaming channels). I love that I can see the artist and song titles. Am loving your station and wishing I’d found it sooner! Thank you all for curating these artists and combining old and new songs.
You guys are great, thanks so much for this amazing music selection!
You are very welcome! Tell a friend! We appreciate the love!
So glad I discovered your station. It makes the cold, rainy days here in the UK seem just a bit warmer!!
If you get a chance please check out a Welsh duo ‘Zervas and Pepper’ they are just starting to get national airplay over here and I think you guys will love them.
I am loving Zervas and Pepper…haven’t quite figured out how to get my hands on their latest stuff, but I was listening to Jerome and Buffalo Crow and totally enjoying…thanks for the tip…we’ll keep our eyes and ears out for them!
Good stuff and I’m listening from Melbourne, Australia. Keep it going.
i m from italy I found this radio by chance on google looking for Laurel canyon place..
my name is manuel
Hi to all at Laurel Canyon Radio. I live in the North of the UK in England and I’ve just found your station by accident. As I’m a lover of all things Laurel Canyon, melodic and thoughtful music and the great bands and singer songwriters both past and present, LCR is an absolute treat of a find. I prepare and present a weekly 3 hour radio show on hospital/online radio here in UK and since we went online last summer, I’ve gained a small, but rapidly growing team of hippie music lovers who listen every week. By the way, if anyone would like to give me a try, the station is called HWD Radio and I’m on air each Sunday 5 til 8pm. My show is the appropriately titled Rock Me Gently.
I’m so glad I found you and will be spreading your gospel during my next show on Sunday.
You ask for music suggestions, and I’m just discovering Gram Parsons, so how about Flying Burrito’s No 1?
Many thanks everyone and Love & Peace to you all (staff, volunteers and listeners).
Roy Able.
We’ll serve up some Burrito’s for you shortly! Including No 1!
love your station I live in upstate ny summers are great here winter not so much may I make a request for some new of the purple sage maybe Glendale train or henry thanks
Will do!
The VW van brings back many wonderful memories back when I was younger, taller, thinner, and had a alot more hair. I enjoy the verity of music you play too. Keep it up. Peace out from Hemet, CA.
I found your station last week and immediately fell in love with it. (while I am writing this, Neil is playing his “Southern Man” tune in the background) . I am a telecommuter journalist, sitting in my little German office, writing about the world of tech and I get such an energy boost while listening to your music. Thank you .Thank you. Thank you. My office starts now every day by logging into the Laurel Canyon Radio stream first and then starting work with a smile on my face. Greetings from Germany. Love you guys. Harry
Attention Music Director: As the sole songwriter of this song, I hereby grant your radio station permission to play this song without royalty considerations, if you chose to add it to your playlist, that is, and after hearing it, it is very likely that you will want to share it with your listeners.
I Got a Jacket for Christmas, is a prison-themed Christmas song, based on my years and years of work as a psychologist, with prison inmates and parolees.
Here is a free version for streaming, on YouTube, so you can check it out before requesting an mp3.
Words and music by Dr Bruce L Thiessen, aka Dr BLT c 2018
Trailer Park Santa
Digitally Released only Dec 1, 2018 on:
Apple Music
Google Play
Amazon Music
Dr BLT, aka Dr Bruce L Thiessen is a Canadian-born, San Diego-based, MTV video-featured (cameo on Cake’s MTV-Award-nominated music video for Short Skirt/Long Jacket, Buck Owens/Pink-praised (Buck Owens compared him to Johnny Cash), Americana, highly prolific singer/songwriter, who doubles as a psychologist by day.
I hope all is well!
For more information, please contact Dr Bruce L Thiessen, aka Dr BLT at yellowbrick417@gmail.com or call (916) 303-6762
Awesome, thnx so much!!
Hey, what a happy stumble I made … found you.
Are you truly “high in the Hollywood Hills?” As in a resident?
We are, so wondered if you’re just down the road a piece.
Yup lived at Sunset & Larabee in West Hollywood near the Viper Room. Have since moved out to the desert.
5am in the UK Birmingham and I’m listening to Buffalo Springfield while having breakfast. So happy that I stumbled upon this station.
Great station except for one thing – the bloody covid adds – get rid of them or I go instead – you really should know about state propaganda and the criminality of our oppressors
they are mostly gone. but still…wear a mask…socially distance…wash your hands…and this will all be over sooner.
Hi Laurel Canyon Radio! I wanted to send you an email to THANK YOU for playing songs from my latest album, “Twist Run Road.” I am truly honored to be on your playlist! I couldn’t find a direct email or contact info for you, so I hope you get this message via your website. I’m loving your lineup and delighted you would include any of my songs. THANKS AGAIN!! your station is lifting me up right now, LOVE IT!! Love and Peace Thru Music, Elaine Lucia
Hello to all of you at Laurel Caynon Radio.
Thank You for your website and music, it sure brings back lots of memories of my past
There in Hollywood, Sunset Strip, The Whiskey a GoGo, The Roxy, Tower Records, the parties.
Laurel Canyon, smoke filled rooms with the smell of Patchouli, reefer, wine and perfume.
Much more could be said, one big groovy flashback!
Happiness and Peace to all of you and those i had great times there.
Carlos. ( the guy that wore flannel shirts, old jeans and waffle stomper hiking boots with red
Laces or Converse high tops.
When this radio was launched?
November 2014
LCR helps me create. LCR helps me make sense of the world. LCR is the best. Need a t-shirt!
Hi guys, we are Tapper & Bridge from the UK, new EP teaser out
Thanks for listening
Hey! My new favorite radio station! Love from sLovenia!
I love but can’t find your station on my computer radio anymore. What are the call letters, please?
Laurelcanyonradio.com or go to the app in the play store or i tunes store.
I have LCR as a favorite on my desktop. Opens right up Everytime I am ready to listen.
Mine use to open immediately too, but for reasons beyond me, it has no sound for about a week now.
Just discovered LCR! Great radio for a lazy Sunday morning. Love it!!!
Greetings from Amsterdam
I’ve been a listener for a long time but just recently, I have not been able to listen to Laurel Canyon Radio on my PC. I have no problem on my phone or streaming through my home system, but no luck on my home PC. There’s simply no sound. I do not have the click live link on my home page either. I can pick up and listen to Folk Alley, listen to youtube and any other app that requires sound on my home computer BUT NOT LAUREL CANYON RADIO???? I’ve tried reloading the app but no success there either. This just started happening about a week ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Frederick Burkert
I’ve been a listener for a long time but just recently, I have not been able to listen to Laurel Canyon Radio on my PC. I have no problem on my phone or streaming through my home system, but no luck on my home PC. There’s simply no sound. I do not have the click live link on my home page either. I can pick up and listen to Folk Alley, listen to youtube and any other app that requires sound on my home computer BUT NOT LAUREL CANYON RADIO???? I’ve tried reloading the app but no success there either. This just started happening about a week ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Frederick Burkert PS this is the second attempt to solve my issue by contacting LCR but have heard nothing back.
When this radio was launched exactly? Thanks
November 2014.
Hi from Wuppertal, Germany. We love listening to the sounds of the canyon but the last few days there has been silence on the air. Hope you’re back soon! ✌️
Back on the air 9/12/23
when is this station going to tell us what’s happened to it – won’t play on my pc either and despite writing to them had no reply – don’t you want any listners anymore???? pissed off is what i am
back on the air today 9/12/23
keep cool reg, keep cool
Love it ! A few hours almost every day! 😊
Kind regards from Munich, Bavaria, Germany🍻
Many thanks for the beautiful song mixes, every day, every night…
I’ve found you, while looking for some Californian radio stations…
Thanks for your good job & your passion
Denis from France 😉